Guest Post: Wanderlust Wednesday- 10 Songs That Inspire Travel - For the Love of Wanderlust
This week’s Wanderlust Wednesday is a guest post by Susan Crown. I am very impressed by her writing and I’m very glad to hand over the reigns for my very first guest writer for Wanderlust Wednesday! Enjoy! 10 Songs That Inspire Wanderlust My love of travel is followed quite closely by my love of music. One of my favorite things to do when traveling to new places is to turn on the radio and listen what the local culture has to offer. A few months ago, my husband and I planned a family road trip to New York. Just for kicks, I decided to put together a playlist of travel songs to entertain the kids. Here’s a sample of the massive list I compiled: . 1. Around the World – Red Hot Chili Peppers Funk rock with a touch of rap, this song is easily one of my favorites. Luckily for me, Anthony Kiedis sings too fast for my kids to pick up on the f-bomb in the third verse. I don’t shelter them or anything, but it’s still nice to not have them swearing up a storm at school. Most Wanderlust Inspiring Verse: I know, I […]
Paige Wunder