Learn A New Culture, Find Yourself - For the Love of Wanderlust
When travelling abroad, it can sometimes be difficult to engage with the culture of the country you’re in. It could be completely new to you and a bit of a shock to the system. However, it would be a mistake to miss out on diving in and experiencing the culture. Never be afraid of culture because getting to know a completely new society is a very stimulating and cathartic experience. When you travel or live abroad, you will have the chance to see things you may not otherwise see. You can also do fun activities that you can’t do in your home country. See in your mind’s eye how exhilarating it would be to volunteer with elephants in Asia, travel through most reclusive parts of Japan, walk through the Red Square in Russia, immerse yourself in the luxe-culture on an Oregon getaway, or explore the Amazon jungle. Experiencing a new culture can be as simple as listening to music, trying new foods or learning about the history and customs of your destination. Even after a month in Sweden, I only came back knowing pleasantries and a campfire song! Ha! Experiencing culture shock by coming into contact with a new language will compel you to become accustomed to and learn […]
Paige Wunder