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«Quotes that Inspire Travel»

Wanderlust Wednesday

Quotes that inspire travel will always be some of my favorite Wanderlust Wednesdays because I love finding these quotes in the things I read in books & articles, the photos I come across on Pinterest and hear in moves & interviews. They keep me constantly inspired and craving the road. Here are a handful of some more words of wisdom to fuel your travel obsession… and mine.


Castles in the sky




roman payne


GEORGEharrison arrow

Harvey Lloyd arrow

Hypatia arrow

Ibn Battuta arrow

john muir arrow

Kirkpatrick arrow

LynyrdSkynyrd arrow

Matsuo Basho arrow

Victoria Erickson arrow

What are your favorite quotes that inspire travel? I’m always looking for new pieces of wanderlust love!

To keep up with my travels in real-time and read more posts and travel articles I find interesting ‘like’ the For the Love of Wanderlust page on Facebook. Simply click HERE.

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