2023, Bring On the Adventures - For the Love of Wanderlust
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope everyone survived the beautiful chaos that is the holidays and that you’re ushering in a new year with a lot of hope and goals! I haven’t done a new year/goals post in quite a few years and I decided I wanted to bring the tradition back. Bringing Back Adventure in 2023 The past few years have been fairly unadventurous for various reasons. 2020 was, well, a global pandemic. Plus, I was pregnant for the second half of the year. 2021 was another pandemic year and we had a baby! 2022 I was pregnant and had a toddler! It’s so reassuring going into 2023 knowing that we feel safer, I won’t be getting pregnant again and we’re settling into our new normal as a family of four. We’re also trying to maximize our time together, to carve out time for adventures and being excited to see some new things! Here are some of the goals that I (and we) have set for 2023! Become Weekend Warriors We’ve decided that we’re going to take one weekend a month to explore somewhere, unless we have a larger trip planned that particular month. We’re obviously a lot more […]
Paige Wunder