A Monthly Recap: October 2023 - For the Love of Wanderlust
Travel Planning This Month We did continued trip planning for our California trip we were on, but then we started to really plan out a lot of our weekend hikes in NW Arkansas for our back-to-back hiking weekends. We also have started playing around with destinations for our Anniversary “just us” trip – nothing is set in stone yet, but we are pricing out flights for different destinations that are on our list. Another big part of trip planning right now is building our travel savings account back up. We keep a separate account specifically for travel, with a goal that we don’t go anywhere we can’t pay for – aka, not going into debt for a trip – but after 80-something travel days so far this year, that account is getting low. So we have been trying to do more budget-friendly things to save up for adventures next year. Some of the biggest things we do for this are: eat at home, coffee at home, spend less on activities, spending diet – we’d both gotten bad about clothes shopping for a hot minute – and I’ve been trying to pick up extra hours and making more crochet animals to […]
Paige Wunder