An Afternoon in Vancouver, B.C. - For the Love of Wanderlust
We took the ferry from Port Angeles to Victoria, and then over to Vancouver. It was nice to take the ferry and be able to walk around, and my dad wasn’t stuck driving. We had to fly through Victoria to get to the next ferry on time, so it was literally just a blur. We got into Vancouver at night, and the next morning we went out for a few hours. My dad and brother dropped me off at the University of British Colombia Museum of Anthropology. It was really amazing. They had an exhibit of artwork by Doug Cramner, an exhibit of Buddhist art, a huge exhibit of Native American Artwork, and a whole collection of artifacts from countries all over the world that I found amazingly interesting. I really enjoyed the Camner exhibit because not only did it have his artwork, but it had quotes of his, some of his favorite jazz music, clips of him talking, and photos from his life. Cramner didn’t take himself too seriously… Even though he was a fantastic artist he referred to himself as a “doodler and whittler”. Then there was a little sculpture that was a Native American Water Monster, and […]
Paige Wunder