When Coming Home is the Right Thing.... - For the Love of Wanderlust
I feel like this post should be harder to write than it is. Perhaps it’s because it’s been a week since we made the call to cut our year-long adventure short… By nine months. Or at least, to cut a decent-sized chunk out of it. We’re coming home. Many of you may know that I had emergency surgery in Bangkok last week and we’ve made the choice to go home for my recovery and to assess our situation now that we’ve had to pay for an emergency surgery. The beauty of this situation, like every other up + down in life, is that I learned a huge lesson. First, let me tell you the story. Last Wednesday, I was having abdominal pain, and true to form, I tried to brush it off like it was nothing. Matt, luckily, insisted that I go to the doctor the next day. After some ultrasounds we discovered that I had a 5 cm cyst on my ovary. At first they were afraid that it may have needed emergency surgery because it was cutting off blood flow. Luckily, that wasn’t the case. I was very excited to not need emergency surgery, but I was told […]
Paige Wunder