Exploring the Giant Forest in Sequoia National Park - For the Love of Wanderlust
It’s no shock that one of the biggest draws to Sequoia National Park is the Giant Forest. The Giant Forest is located in the heart of Sequoia National Park and holds half of the top 10 largest trees in the world! There are many ways to explore the Giant Forest like visiting the Giant Forest Museum, to a scenic drive or hiking one of the many hiking trails that wind through these ancient giants. First, Some Fun Facts About Giant Sequoias Giant Sequoias are only located on the Western side of the Sierra Nevadas in California. Once, though, they were more widespread across the Northern Hemisphere.General Sherman, a giant sequoia, is the worlds largest tree by volume. It’s located in Sequoia National Park. That’s 5200+ cubic feet, thank you very much! And Sequoias never stop growing as long as they’re alive – so General Sherman is only getting bigger!These massive trees come from teeny tiny pinecones! Like seriously tiny – they average about 2 inches tall. These cones require fire to open up and spread the seeds. So, fires (both prescribed and wild) play an important role in this species’s survival – in fact, because of this each tree only […]
Paige Wunder