I Have So Much to Be Thankful For This Year - For the Love of Wanderlust
To say that the history of this day is less than ideal is a massive understatement, but I do have to say, I do love the idea of a whole day to dedicated to being thankful. I’m a firm believer in the power of positivity and the idea of actively practicing gratitude because my natural disposition definitely leans more toward the negative. So, today, I’m wishing you all peace and gratitude and I’m going to publicly practice positivity, sharing the things I’m especially thankful for this year. And I’ll try to give it a twist of travel where I can, because, I know, this is a travel blog after all. THANKFUL FOR MY FAMILY This always comes first and foremost. Between Matt + the kids, my parents, my brother + his family, grandparents, in-laws and the friends I’ve chosen as family. I couldn’t do it – any of it – without their love, advice, emotional support and kindness. I also love that I have family that I consider friends and genuinely enjoy spending time with. Now, for the travel spin: I’m grateful for the amazing family adventures I’ve had with my family this year. Between camping trips with my family, […]
Paige Wunder