Monthly Recap: March 2024 - For the Love of Wanderlust
I’m having another one of those moments of, ‘how is it the end of the month?‘ again, well, in reality the beginning of the next month. It seems pretty non-stop this year, but that is largely because we’re so busy. We filled March with a lot of family time, about 2 weeks of the month were spent traveling and we started a new weekly routine of part-time preschool for Little Miss. So our whole norm has been shaken this month, but we’re learning a lot about balance. Trip Planning this Month We, apparently, picked the worst weekend to ask my parents to watch the kids for camping along the Current River. So, we had to switch the destination of our anniversary trip from Van Buren, MO to Ponca, AR. At first, I was a little bummed that we were going to be going somewhere we’ve been so many times, but we also have a lot of favorite hikes we get to take because we have kiddos. So, I’m actually really excited for it! Plus, it’s a great position between a couple of towns we love, so we can pop into those during the hear of the day. We also have […]
Paige Wunder