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Monthly Recap: May 2024

May was another one of those months with high highs and low lows. It seems that when it came time for some adventures or something big (like book release day, Charleigh’s last-day-of-school picnic, etc.) we found ourselves sick… But that doesn’t mean we didn’t live fully when we were well. I can’t believe we’re this far into the year already!

I’m Officially a Published Author

I’ve been a published author for a little over a week now and it still feels so surreal! I am really proud of this national park journal and if you’re a fan of the US National Parks, I hope that you consider getting one for yourself to help plan, document and remember your own adventures in our beautiful parklands.

Trip Planning This Month

I’ve started to plan our trip to Moab this fall. I’m going to build a week-long itinerary because we’re going with my in-laws and it’s their first time! So, it’s been pretty fun to look at Moab with these fresh eyes and showing them the best there is to offer! I’ll probably make some sample itinerary blog posts for Moab out of this planning: maybe a 3-day, 5-day and 7-day post? What do you think?

Travel in May

We kicked off the month with a weekend trip to Echo Bluff State Park. We’ve been to the park several times, but hadn’t stayed in their campground. Their campground is stunning! I will say that Echo Bluff isn’t my favorite state park to do things in, just because there aren’t many trails, but it’s perfectly situated for exploring the Ozarks National Scenic Riverways as well. We splashed in the river at Echo Bluff, but also went to Rocky Falls, Blue Spring, Alley Spring and Round Spring. We did learn something interesting, though – the frequent spring rains make for murky, muddy springs! My parents came on this trip as well and it was just so fun to have all kinds of quality family time.

Matt and I had a whole 24 hours without kids! We took a trip up to Kansas City to see Death Cab for Cutie and Postal Service. It always is so fun when there are shows in KC because one of Matt’s best friends lives there so we get to see them too! Matt and I hit up a brewery before meeting up with our friends, had dinner out, I sobbed and then danced through the concert, and we had brekkie with Tim & Abby in the morning as well!

This is technically a local adventure, but it is too big of an experience to not have its own little thing. We sat the northern lights in Missouri! We started being able to see them from our back deck at 9pm and decided we needed to load up the truck, put the kids in – pray to the aurora gods that they go back to sleep in the truck, only Charleigh did – and take a little adventure north of town to try to catch them. Guys. It was crazy! It was so beautiful! My brother and his family stayed out until about 12:45, but at 1am, the sky lit up and Matt, my parents and I got to see mother nature put on one hell of a show! Also, we got to see the Milky Way at the same time! What luck!

I had a beautiful long weekend girls trip with my bestie Alaina and Em! We went all the way out to Oregon and did all the luxurious things. We ate out for every meal, went to three breweries, went to gardens, the spa and the stunning Columbia River Gorge. I also had the pleasure of being there when Alaina picked out her wedding dress. Spoiler, we all cried. Haha

We were supposed to spend a weekend in Hot Springs National Park, but a stomach bug prevented us from that, so we turned it into a day trip instead. It was a long day of driving, but it was still really special because my family came with me to my first national park since getting my copy of my book. So, we got to stamp it all together. We also visited the only brewery within a US National Park!

Travel Laughs and Mishaps this Month

We had another illness-driven mishap. We had to late-cancel our camping trip to Hot Springs, like I mentioned above and it made for a long day trip. Plus, Charleigh got carsick on the way down. She only gets sick every six months or so, and luckily she feels better right after getting sick. So, we were able to continue on our way.

Blog Posts from May

Monthly Recap: April 2024 – A monthly roundup very similar to this one, but, ya know, from last month!
How I’d Spend One Day in Arches National Park – Sometimes you only have one day in a destination and you want it to be perfect. After about 25 different days in Arches, I can say, this is how I would spend one perfect day in Arches National Park.
Well, We Upgraded Campers – In April we did something a little crazy and upgraded campers. I have to say, I have zero regrets. Check out why in this post!
Notes on a Random Solo Mid-Week Hike – I mentioned above that I have started a weekly solo hike. This is the post I wrote the day after taking my first one. It was so eye-opening, so inspiring and just felt so right.

Local Adventures in May

I’ve taken a ton of local adventures this month! Alaina and I had a girls night out at Lavender Falls Farm. We had a delicious meal (more on that in the next category) and soaked up the beautiful space around us.

I took the kids to the zoo one day and they had a blast! Especially Charleigh. Liam is so close to being able to walk most of that time and he’ll love exploring these even more.

We went to Busiek and a local winery & brewery with our friends for Mother’s Day. Our girls had so much fun hiking and throwing rocks into the water.

Charleigh, my mom and I went to a strawberry patch together and picked 7 pounds of strawberries! Then, we came home and made jam together! I have to say, it’s some pretty great jam!

I’ve been doing a weekly solo hike and it’s quickly become one of the highlights of my week. I always look forward to it and the way it makes me feel. Nature truly heals and soothes all.

Best Thing I Ate in May

Hands-down, the best thing I ate this month was absolutely the tenderloin medallions I had at Lavender Falls Farm. Actually, just that whole meal. My sides were mushroom risotto and cabbage and I ate every single bite off of my plate. The portions were perfect – not too big and not too small – and everything was cooked to perfection. Their cocktails were also incredible!

What I Read in May

I’ve finished my re-listen of the Into the Wilderness Series by Sarah Donati. I love “period piece” things. So this series is one I greatly enjoy. I re-listen once a year or so. I’m on book three of the “spinoffs” of this original series. I did finish The Waverly Place Series on audiobook.
For my physical books I’m having a little reader ADHD. I’m reading Braiding Sweetgrass, How to Raise a Wild Child, Home and Fourth Wing all at once depending on my mood.

Most Popular Instagram Post & Reel from May

Life Updates in May

Our life is looking pretty steady, which is actually pretty nice. We’ve done a lot of settling into the house, prepping for the hotter months, getting herbs planted and just trying to get out house to a point that feels homey. I feel like we book up our weekends so much that we don’t get to the point we want to, but we’ve been working to rectify that. Charleigh finished up her first semester of school and now she’ll have the summer off and I’ve been loving the extra time with her and relearning how to have a 3-year-old and 1-year-old at home at the same time! Haha

What’s Coming in June?

As far as travel goes, in June, we’ll be traveling to my favorite state park for a camping weekend there for the first time. So, I’m really excited for that! My family is going to take a beach trip together. Admittedly, I’m not a beach person, but I’m really excited because I think Charleigh and Liam are both going to have the best time and we’ll get lots of family time together! Then, near the end of the month, Matt and I are taking our anniversary trip. We’ll be camping close to home, but we’re pretty stoked because it means that we get to actually soak up time in our camper in the evenings – not having them dictated by the bedtime of two toddlers. Also, we get to do all of our favorite hikes that are a little bit longer and try a couple new ones that are realistically just too dangerous for toddlers. We cannot wait!

I hope that June brings you all loads of adventures, happiness and health!

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