One Year as a Camper Family - For the Love of Wanderlust
Believe it or not, on New Years Day 2023 while on a day-date hike with Matt, I spent at least 3 if the 7 miles we hiked trying to convince him to get a camper. He was not a huge fan of the idea that we’d have to buy a new vehicle, a camper and still pay for campsites. Fair, I got that, it would definitely be an investment. But, I argued that the ability to wake up in the places we wanted to explore, even the ones close to home, would make it worth it – especially for weekend trips. Plus, it’s our own space. Our kids can be noisy, we can cook our own meals and it’s a home away from home. Not to mention, the amazing family memories we could make would be life-changing for us all. Ultimately, though, we drove back home to our kids with absolutely zero plans to purchase a camper. A few weeks later, we were on a date to watch this amazing documentary about the Buffalo River at the brewery I work at. We love visiting the Buffalo River and its stunning surrounding forests and streams, so getting to finally watch this […]
Paige Wunder