« WANDERLUST WEDNESDAY » This week’s Wanderlust Wednesday is another edition of quotes that inspire travel. Here are 10 quotes from travelers that give fuel to my wanderlust-fire. I…
Angkor Wat was one of my definite Top 10 Must-Sees for Southeast Asia. It combines several of my loves- archaeology, eastern religion & history- and it went above and…
» Wanderlust Wednesday « Photo from Pinterest I have watched over half of the ‘An Idiot Abroad’ tv series and thoroughly enjoyed it. Karl’s reaction often make me laugh out…
Paradise is the best word I can use to describe Bali. Not only in its physical appearance, as Bali is truly one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever…
WANDERLUST WEDNESDAY I picked this book up at a bookshop in Vientiane, Laos and found myself very intrigued by the thought of a couple selling everything and traveling with their…
⋘We arrived in Malaysia at the perfect time. We are really only here as a stop-over. We were originally going to stay in Kuala Lumpur a few days, but in the…
…Do I love traveling? Yes. Do I think it is one of the greatest experiences you can possibly have? Yes. Do I think it’s and important form of education?…
Stacey and I are back in Kanchanaburi, but it’s way more bitter than sweet. We both completely fell in love with the Safari Park Volunteer Program, the people we worked…
W A N D E R L U S T W E D N E S D AY photo from Pinterest Michael Crichton is the author of several hit books that were then made into films. Jurassic Park and Congo are my two favorite…