Are you dreaming of taking a luxury holiday this summer? If your stomach leads the way when it comes to you choosing your destination, then Europe may be the…
After 14 days in Laos, Stacey and I are starting our almost two-day journey to Thailand by bus & train. Laos was a country of several firsts for the trip…
Today, I turned 25 in Cambodia. I’m a quarter of a century old, and while I may be doing what some think seems to be a quarter-life-crisis, what I’m really…
Halfway through our flight from San Francisco to Hong Kong, (that’s 7 hours in for those who are wondering), I was doing my periodic check out the window, but…
I know that there have been a plethora of posts about Stacey and me going to Southeast Asia, about planning this trip and anxious posts of things I want…