Last month I was listening to a random podcast that Spotify recommended. To be completely honest, I can’t even remember for sure which one it was, but what I do remember was a startling life stat that shook me to my core and has been reshaping the way I live my life each and every day.

When I give Charleigh screen time, I typically have one AirPod in while I am cleaning up, listening to some sort of podcast. This particular episode was on the topic of managing time or something like that. It was on that episode that I heard the life stat that shook me, truly shook me: the average life grants you about 4,000 weekends. That’s it! 4,000 weekends.
I’ve spouted this statistic off to no fewer than 20 of my closest friends, family members and even regulars at the brewery I work at. Let me say it one more time for anyone who missed it: in the average lifespan we get about 4,000 weekends. Matt made the comment, but 4,000 is a pretty high number. Think about the fact that you get an average of 78 years… that sounds shorter. But here’s where I disagree with that…

If you ask a person what they did last year, they can list off a highlight reel that includes a lot of really cool things! A few vacations, maybe the birth of a child, a promotion, a large purchase you’re proud of or home renovation. But ask most people what they did last weekend and how do they respond? Typically, it’s chores we don’t have time to get to throughout the week, maybe a little Netflix binge and perhaps do a thing to two that sparks joy.
Okay? So, what’s the problem with that? Here’s the deal, those are the 48 hours allotted to us by society to live how we wish to live. Most of us have full time jobs, or do other things full-time like go to school or are stay-at-home parents that constrain our time significantly. Giving us only 4,000 48-hour chunks to truly live our lives in.

I had already made it a mission this year, before hearing this podcast episode, to take an average of one weekend trip per month. That was the precedent I was setting for us to try to become weekend warriors in the future because we’ve traveled less in the last few years between the pandemic and having 2 kids and I was ready for that to change… starting small.

Since the beginning of the year, though, we made a big life change: we bought a camper. It has enabled us to really get out and make the most of our weekends in a way I’ve only dreamt about. Guys, it is so fulfilling. I feel so blessed, so lucky and so empowered by this purchase. If I had heard this stat even 6 months ago, I think it could’ve sent me spiraling.
But, we’ve started a new lifestyle. One that forces us, in the very best way, to make the most of our weekends and we’re hoping that we can possibly do more and more days away as we feel more confident in our ability to work while camping. Until then, we’re not letting those 48-hour chunks pass us by. We are trying to do more chores on week nights or even make more of our week nights as far as passions go: hiking in the evenings, spending quality time with the kids and doing house projects – especially during the nicer months… we’ll slow down in the winter I’m sure.

I just was so shocked by that stat and in the same way it made my life feel like it’s so brief, it has also inspired me to not waste that special, finite time. Matt and I have always said, “Life is precious,” to each other, but now we’re trying to do our very best to truly live and raise our little ones like we truly understand that life is precious.
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My Ins and Outs for Travel & Beyond in 2024 - For the Love of Wanderlust
February 15, 2024 at 10:34 am[…] only keeping our heads down and watching the clock tick by for the weekend. After all, we only get 4,000 weekends in this short little life of ours; we need to live for more than just […]