Wanderlust Wednesday- Quotes That Inspire Travel: Part 18 - For the Love of Wanderlust
This week’s Wanderlust Wednesday is another post of travels that inspire travel. I hope you guys enjoy these and please leave comments with more! I love these things! “It is confidence in our bodies, minds and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures, new directions to grow in, and new lessons to lean- which is what life is all about.” -Oprah Winfrey- *** “The rewards of the journey far outweigh the risk of leaving the harbor.” -Unknown- *** “I have known the taste of salt water, and the smell of decaying forests, and the cracks in hundreds of sidewalks. I have loved the gas pedal, and the airport concourse, and the ever-changing time zones. In all of the places, I thought I could find a home in not having one; I have chased the sun across the sky so many times, not yet ready to admit, you never catch up.” -Unknown- *** “Travel is not a vacation, and it is often the opposite of a rest.” -Paul Theroux- *** “Long-term travel doesn’t require a massive amount of cash; it requires only that we walk through the world in a more deliberate way.” -Rolf Potts- *** “Travel may […]
Paige Wunder