To say that the history of this day is less than ideal is a massive understatement, but I do have to say, I do love the idea of a whole day to dedicated to being thankful. I’m a firm believer in the power of positivity and the idea of actively practicing gratitude because my natural disposition definitely leans more toward the negative. So, today, I’m wishing you all peace and gratitude and I’m going to publicly practice positivity, sharing the things I’m especially thankful for this year. And I’ll try to give it a twist of travel where I can, because, I know, this is a travel blog after all.

This always comes first and foremost. Between Matt + the kids, my parents, my brother + his family, grandparents, in-laws and the friends I’ve chosen as family. I couldn’t do it – any of it – without their love, advice, emotional support and kindness. I also love that I have family that I consider friends and genuinely enjoy spending time with.

Now, for the travel spin: I’m grateful for the amazing family adventures I’ve had with my family this year. Between camping trips with my family, a Tulsa weekend with my brother, sister-in-law + nephews and meeting up with my parents & other family members in California for my cousin’s wedding, we’ve done a lot of exploring with our family this year.

I know I briefly mentioned him above, but this guy deserves a shoutout all his own. Because he’s more than just “my family”. He’s my everything. He’s the first and last person I see every single day. He’s the person who makes me laugh on the daily and the calm that balances my waves in our family. Matt is a thoughtful husband, attentive parent and partner in all aspects of our life. Thanks for all the adventures this year, Bb!

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to use travel as an education for our little ones. They’re both obviously very young still, but I would say my daughter can name off some pretty random natural items thanks to our many hiking trips – like mushrooms & fungi, Half Dome, woodpeckers and more. Liam is our little champ of adaptability. He’s so easy going and we think having him on the go from the get-go has definitely aided that. And we’re excited to see how that continues to grow. It goes without saying that I sure am grateful to be their mama.

This is an idea that I’ve romanticized and dreamt of since my early 20’s and, I have to tell you, it does not disappoint. Having a camper has allowed us to spend more time in different destinations over weekends, feel at home on the road – a game-changer with kids, and just explore more in general. Now, it has its quirks and difficult moments, especially with 2 toddlers, but we’re learning more each time and couldn’t be happier with the purchase of our camper.

Beyond the amazing friends and family we have that live near us in Missouri, I feel like we settle into and discover more we love in the Ozarks. Of course, we have things we dislike, mostly politically – but we also have come to appreciate the hospitality and the natural beauty here and we are lucky enough to be homeowners here too. I’m also grateful for a couple really cool “destinations” that our children love like Wonders of Wildlife and Dickerson Park Zoo.

What on earth would I do without these sacred, beautiful spaces? Nature is my great love. If I can’t get outside for a few days back-to-back my mental health starts to suffer and I feel claustrophobic. This year was one for the books as far as discovering new outdoor spots and soaking up time in old favorites. I’ve been lucky enough to get outside in some truly spectacular destinations this year, like Yosemite National Park, Ozarks National Scenic Riverways, Sequoia National Park, Buffalo-St. Frances National Forest, Buffalo National River, Petrified Forest National Park and so many more! And special shoutout to my local Springfield, Missouri-adjacent greenways that I love that I get to walk on throughout the year.

I naturally find it very easy to find things about my body that I don’t love, but I will say one gift that pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding have given me is a mad respect for my body that has trickled through into so many other aspects. My body is so strong. She can do so many things and she has taken me to some truly incredible places mentally and physically this year, so I’m so grateful for the capability of my body. Adjacent to this, is an immense gratitude for the fact that all-around our families are very healthy.

It probably seems weird at first glance to single out a specific trip, but this was our first international trip together since 2018 and our first trip, just the two of us, since 2020. The quality time we were able to share meant that we got to come back refreshed as better partners and parents! Plus, it was freakin’ Mexico City! We fell hard for that city and talk about getting back there all the time. Also, a huge thanks to my parents for watching our kids.

Obviously, the world is full of many examples of terror, of pain and of suffering, and I don’t want it to seem that I don’t care about that or am unaware. But I also am so grateful for the fact that I’m mentally healthy. I’m generally happy. I’m healthy. We’re both experience success in ways we haven’t in the past. We have two amazing, healthy, smart and beautiful little kids that fill my days with pride and joy. And in the act of practicing positivity I am so grateful for this state of peace. It’s been a long, hard-fought journey to get here and I hope that I can help bring peace to others!
Here’s to you, reader. Thank you for being here – I’m so very grateful for you! I love sharing my story, well, our story with you all. We’re so lucky to get to live this life of adventure and I cannot wait to continue to tell it as it evolves.
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