Becoming a mother has been such a beautiful thing. It’s everything I thought it would be, and just so much more. It’s not without its challenges, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. As you can imagine, it makes things like travel completely different, but it might not only be in the ways you thought… But those are probably true too. I did polls on our Instagram last month asking what sort of posts people were interested it. Two things I asked were if people wanted to read more personal posts and/or home life and the answer was largely in favor for both, so this is the first of something a little more personal since, while still trying to bridge into travel too.
For the vast majority of my 20’s, my biggest focus was travel. It was constantly on my mind, and I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to spend about hundreds and hundreds of days in my 20’s traveling. Not only did I travel with my friends, family and solo, I got to travel with my amazing husband for half of that decade. We learned a groove of how to spend unbelievably long periods of time together. We learned what each other’s strengths and weaknesses were. I nurtured my relationship with him and all my other travel partners over amazing experiences like hikes, road trip, museum visits and meals. This was my focus.
Now, at 31, travel has slipped a little lower on my list. We were unbelievably blessed earlier this year with our sweet Charleigh Jo. Although the beginning of her life was a huge adjustment, it didn’t take me long to start imagining our life of adventure that now includes her. Of course, some destinations I want to save for different ages, but immediately I wanted to take her on an adventure. At just under two weeks old, we took her on her first hike at a nearby State Forest. It was short and easy, but so precious and beautiful that it set us on a path to continue our lifestyle as best as possible. Travel looks different and it feels different because, in all reality, it is different.

Since Becoming a Mom, Travel Takes A Lot More Planning
We used to be fairly spontaneous. We’d pack up our 4 Runner and car camp for a weekend at a moment’s notice. Someone wanted to meet us for a hike? We’d be there! Spending the entire day out? No problem! Now, with Charleigh, we have to plan things out a little better. We have to prioritize the musts for trips because she could fall apart, it could get too hot or too cold for her or any number of other things. So, the spontaneity has gone away a bit, for now, but I do love to plan things, so at least it’s something different I can find joy in.
It Also Takes A Lot More Stuff
So long are the days of packing lightly and quickly. You’d think such a teeny tiny human would take very little to keep happy and healthy. But, alas. There are diapers, a pack and play, her bath seat, clothes, toys, a stroller and so much more that go into keeping our baby girl ready for an adventure. After two road trips, though, we feel like we’re at least starting to get the hang of it.
It Is So Much Harder
Making set plans is harder. Carrying her around makes travel harder. Remembering everything we need is harder. It’s just all the little things that add up to make it harder. BUT….

It’s Even More Rewarding
I already feel like our travels have this higher sense of purpose and our daughter is only 5 months old. I’m just so excited to show her the world and even though she won’t remember these moments, we will. Matt and I are constantly talking about the amazing things we want to share with our baby girl.
My Road Trip Playlist Has Changed
This sounds like a silly thing to note, but we used to be big on fun playlists that we would crank up and sing loudly. However, now it’s more podcasts because the chatter keeps Charleigh calmer. The music has been turned down. We listen to stormy white noise and we also learned that Charleigh loves the song Voodoo by Godsmack, even though we do not. Haha.
I Feel More Powerful and Capable Than Ever Before
Starting when I was pregnant, I felt like every single thing I did was amazing. Our babymoon was a hiking trip to Moab when I was 5 months pregnant. I felt like a badass every single mile we hiked knowing I was tackling that while also growing my baby girl. Now, traveling is harder, yes, but want to know something amazing? I am capable of rising to that. I carry her on hikes, I literally feed her from my body and everything I do revolves around her. Although being a mother isn’t my only purpose, it’s a gift and it’s something that I absolutely love doing.
It’s Even More Important for Me to Travel Better
I so love being a mom, in a way I never thought I would. It’s a deep, instant love that you know will never fade or end. It’s made me take another look at travel a whole other way, even when it comes to sustainability. And I mean all versions of the word. Obviously, we will teach her to be as good to the planet as possible, but also to be an even more ethical traveler. To teach her not to exploit people, animals, nature. To leave places better than you found it. Respect cultures. And all the other things that I hope I do already, but putting my mind to it even more and educating why we’re traveling the way we do: as responsibly.

And To Own Up to Mistakes
I have made many mistakes while traveling. I’ve tried very hard to own up to those mistakes, learn from them and try to teach others why that was wrong. I hope that I am humble enough to own up to these to my own daughter and to use them as a teaching moment. We learn and grow from mistakes and I want her to know that.

Our Must-Haves for Traveling with Our Baby
Charleigh is now a little over 5 months old and she’s already been to six different states. We’ve got plans to double that number by the end of the year. We’re very lucky that she’s a good sleeper and eater and although she has her fair share of fussy times, she’s really a pretty happy little baby. Since we’ve taken her halfway across the country already, (and then some) we’ve learned that there are things we don’t actually need along with things that we won’t leave town without now. I thought I’d share some of the products we use and love while traveling with Charleigh.
I’ll update this section as we travel more and Charleigh gets older.
Newborn to 5 Months
SLEEPING: The bassinet we had was so perfect for travel. It folds easily but we just folded the legs and used the opening to store other supplies. This was great when Charleigh was 4 months and under. At about 4 months we switched her to the PackNPlay while traveling.
GETTING AROUND: We love the baby carrier and stroller that we got. It’s reasonably priced and gets phenomenal ratings. I love the stroller: it has cup holders and great storage space below. The Lille Baby carrier was a gift and we love it. I love that it has zip pockets for small items and you can carry your baby 4 ways!
ENTERTAINMENT: The activity mat comes apart and packs so easily. Charleigh loves hers! Same with the sit-me-up. It allowed her to sit with us and play with the attached toys. Also, these come off and easily can attach to your carseat or just be carried. The 123 Book is one of Charleigh’s favorite toys. It’s brightly colored, is made of that crinkle fabric and there’s a teether piece at the bottom!
ETC: Our Eddie Bauer Diaper Bag is a must. It has so many pockets, easy wipe access and even a cooler pocket for carrying milk or snacks. The pacifier wipes are the best, not exclusively for pacifiers. I use it on Charleigh’s toys that fall as well if we can’t wash it.
I feel very blessed by our baby girl and I look forward to showing our little Charleigh Jo the world. It’s a major learning curve for our little family and I know that things will change even on a monthly basis as far as ease, things we’ll need and such. But I’m happy that I have a husband who’s willing to take on travel with our little Wee One. And I know that we’ve only just begun. Here’s to another evolution in my travel style into family travel. I hope that we take the challenges with grace and collect the precious moments that time allows.
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Rochelle | Adventuresfromelle
July 18, 2021 at 8:54 pmThis post is amazing! I can’t wait until the universe blesses me with the gift of motherhood too. I’ll be sure to take him/her on adventures from an early age too. 🙂
Paige Wunder
July 30, 2021 at 10:40 pmThank you so much, that means a lot to hear, especially about a more personal post. I have to say, it’s been such a beautiful blessing for us, so I can’t wait for that day for you too! I know you’ll give him/her a beautiful life of adventure when the time comes. I can’t wait until Charleigh really reacts to surroundings, that will be a whole new level of joy, I know. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Xx