LEAF SEASON IN THE BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS My amazing parents came back to visit Asheville in the middle of October, which is typically the peak of what everyone in the mountains…
Asheville, North Carolina is a beer city. In fact, in the 5 years that they did Beer City, U.S.A it was named Beer City, USA 4 times and came in third…
Our first experience in Lima, Peru was taking a cab late at night to our hotel in Miraflores District. We were exhausted from traveling for just about 24 hours, but still…
Stacey and I woke up early in our Ollantaytambo hostel and I thoroughly enjoyed my last shower for the next 4 days. We packed our duffle bags to give to the porters (with 6 kilos),…
Wanderlust Wednesday: It’s no secret that I have been desperate to live a nomadic lifestyle and my cousin sent me a link to this incredibly inspiring video about this man, Gunther…